Industry News

Work as a tradie in Antarctica in 2014

The Australian Antarctic Division is now advertising for qualified tradespeople, builders, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, mechanics, plant operators, electronics engineers, aircraft ground support officers, aerodrome grader and plant operators, field training officers, station supply officers, communications technicians, communications operators, chefs and doctors for the 2014/15 season.

With more than a hundred jobs on offer they are looking for skilled men and women to be part of Australia’s Antarctic program. It could be just the ‘cool’ change you’re looking for.

Dr Rob Wooding, the Antarctic Division’s General Manager Support Services, said that employment periods range from about six months for a summer position up to 15 months for a wintering job.

“We offer extensive pre-departure training to prepare you for living and working in an extreme environment and you will be entitled to Antarctic allowances while working at any of our stations.

“Australia manages four stations – Casey, Davis and Mawson on the Antarctic continent and Macquarie Island in the sub-Antarctic.

Antarctica1“Each station is unique and offers the employment adventure of a lifetime,” Dr Wooding said.

This is your chance to work in the planet’s most remote regions; to experience an environment like no other; to make a difference to Australia’s role in Antarctica – a place devoted to peace and science.

Applications close on 28 November, 2013.

Find position descriptions and application details.

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