Latest Products, Tradie Gear

Tradies fully connected with Testo Smart World

For modern tradies, a lot of importance is placed on having tools that work well together.

Whether it’s power tools using the same batteries, or connecting smart tools with software, it’s all about making the job easier and better.

Testo keeps this front of mind when it comes to ensuring its selection of HVAC&R equipment.

Through Testo’s Smart World, HVAC&R technicians have access to fully networked tools and a complete range of environmentally conscious technologies.

Image: Testo

Smart sucker

Testo’s latest 565i Vacuum Pump – for example – integrates seamlessly with Smart World, providing HVAC&R professionals with a future-ready measuring solution for today’s rising energy efficiency and sustainability standards.

This vacuum pump automates the evacuation process for refrigeration systems and heat pumps, saving tradies and technicians valuable time by stopping the evacuation automatically once the target vacuum level is reached. It then performs a vacuum holding test to confirm system tightness; a vital step for effective maintenance.

On the apps

A standout feature of the testo 565i is its wireless connectivity with the testo Smart App, making it fully controllable via smartphone. This connectivity enables tradies to monitor the entire evacuation process remotely, store key data, and generate comprehensive measurement reports—all from the phone.

For tradies working with smaller teams or even by themselves, the ability to manage multiple tasks without needing to be physically present at the pump provides flexibility and efficiency, making life a breeze.

Image: Testo

The testo Smart App acts as the central hub for all Testo tools, gathering measurements from various devices into one cohesive platform. Professionals benefit from this integration by being able to connect and measure up to six testo HVAC&R instruments simultaneously for precise monitoring across air conditioning, refrigeration, and heating systems.

The app ensures that all results are accurately recorded, securely stored, and easily accessible, minimising time spent on administration and maximising efficiency.

A smart option

Testo’s measurement tools are not only precise and multifunctional, but are also built with the latest refrigerants and sustainable design principles. This network of tools empowers professionals to conduct energy-efficient adjustments, lower operational costs, and reduce their carbon footprint. Testo’s decades of expertise in air conditioning, refrigeration, and heating technology translate into reliable products that deliver on both functionality and environmental responsibility.

The testo 565i vacuum pump is an excellent addition to Testo’s comprehensive lineup, supporting a sustainable, efficient approach to HVAC&R jobs.

Image: Testo

The 565i pump, alongside Testo’s full suite of measurement devices, allows tradies to meet rigorous energy standards, reduce waste, and conserve precious resources.

In every project—from small adjustments to large-scale installations—the connectivity and efficiency of Testo products offer professionals a significant advantage in delivering energy-efficient solutions that are beneficial for the indoor environment, the business, and the planet. By picking up a testo 565i, tradies are equipped to address modern challenges, champion sustainability, and contribute to a better future.

To find out more about the testo 565i, Smart App or other Testo products, check out here

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