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Thermography for building contractors

Potential energy savings and stimuli for the building industry, house owners and the climate.

While attention is now being paid to energy-efficient construction methods for new builds, existing buildings have a long way to go to catch up in terms of their energy consumption.

It remains essential to discover major potential energy savings through refurbishment and modernisation. The improvement of the energy standard of a building – for instance through heat insulation or the installation of new windows – also represents a relevant cost saving for both house owners and tenants.

Thermography as an efficient measuring instrument for the construction sector

Thermography is a non-destructive testing and measurement method based on infrared radiation which is invisible to human beings. It has become firmly established in the construction industry, because it enables conclusions to be drawn about heat insulation and possible structural defects, such as thermal bridges, using meaningful thermal images. Thermal imaging can be used both indoors and outdoors and it offers a wide range of possible applications:

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