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NAWIC launches Male Allies Program

At the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), our vision is an equitable construction industry where all women fully participate and thrive.

Construction is the second most male-dominated workforce in Australia, after mining, and improving women’s participation in the industry does not have a single fix.

The NAWIC Male Allies Program is designed for men within the construction industry to understand and champion diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Partnering with Lysander, this self-paced, five digital module course aims to build awareness and knowledge – exploring key concepts, engaging in interactive learning experiences, and developing actionable plans to drive cultural change within their teams and organisations.


Male allies play a crucial role in advancing gender equality and dismantling stereotypes. By actively supporting and advocating for women, they help to create a more inclusive society. Their collective voices call for equal opportunity, respect, and recognition for all genders, contributing to a more balanced industry and increasing the rates of attraction, development and retention of women.

By participating in the program, learners will develop a comprehensive understanding of gender disparities, biases and challenges faced by women in male dominated industries. They will recognise the importance of male allyship in creating inclusive workplace culture and fostering diversity while acquiring practical skills and strategies to support and advocate for female colleagues, challenge biases, and promote gender inclusivity.

By exploring individual and collective roles in fostering gender inclusion including personal, social, societal, and organisational levels, learners will be able to commit to implementing action to promote gender inclusivity, advocate for change and shift the culture in construction once and for all.

The five Digital Modules will include:

Foundations of inclusion:

Develop a comprehensive understanding of gender disparities and their impact on both individuals and the wider organisation.

Foster empathy and awareness of the challenges women face in male dominated industries.

Breaking bias:

Identify common stereotypes and biases affecting women and understand the consequences. Increase awareness of and overcome unconscious biases utilising tools for recognition.


Allyship in action:

Define the role of a male ally, applying strategies to support female colleagues, and understanding the importance of bystander intervention. Develop skills in mentoring and sponsoring women for career development.

Driving change:

Apply techniques that promote diversity and inclusion in teams and the wider organisation. Identify and address microaggressions, fostering a culture of respect and inclusion.

Leadership impact:

Develop action plans to create a positive and inclusive leadership shadow. Empower and inspire male allies to lead by example.

The NAWIC Male Allies Program released on July 26 and is exclusive to NAWIC members.

With program structures for both individual and corporate there is an option for everyone. You can register your early interest online by searching for ‘Male Allies Program’ here

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