We thought printing photos was a bit old-fashioned – like calling them ‘photos’. But it seems it’s all the rage, and HP has introduced the Sprocket, a compact, pocket-sized printer that can instantly print 50mm x 75mm pics from a smartphone…using the Sprocket app for iOS and Android of course. And of course the printer connects to the phone via Bluetooth.
The app can pull in photos from your phone, Facebook, Flickr and Instagram accounts and can also access the live camera so you can take a picture and immediately print it.
There’s heaps of editing options in the app, such as adding captions and borders which are then printed out on sticky-backed Zink paper. The special paper uses tiny crystals that heat up to show colours, so there’s no need to fret about ink cartridges.
It has a built-in rechargeable battery and is available in white-and-rose-gold or black-and-silver. Good ol’ JB Hi Fi has them on the shelf on special for $69.