Uncertified tradesmen can obtain their trade qualifications through a recognition of prior learning process (RPL) in as little as eight weeks, according to the Managing Director of the Institute of Training (IOT), Warren Jack.
Jack told WTW that tradies did not have to spend time and money re-learning the things they had already learned through experience and time spent in the industry but could use their current skills and knowledge to assist in obtaining their trade qualifications.
He said a Certificate III in Carpentry can be obtained through RPL in under 15 weeks and a Certificate IV in Building and Construction (building) under 8 weeks with classes just once a week subject to their having a current level of knowledge and skill in the respective area.
He added all qualifications gained through IOT are nationally accredited qualifications and are recognised by NSW Fair Trading towards gaining the required licence and gaining recognition is a straightforward process.
Jack said applicants need to understand the full set of requirements stipulated by Fair Trading NSW before undertaking the RPL process. These can be viewed HERE.
Jack explains the RPL process below:
“Following a meeting at our offices you will be assigned an assessor who will advise and mentor you through the RPL process. The mentor will organise to meet to work through the RPL requirements.
There are six stages to the RPL process:
Questions: Over the course of site visits the assessor will ask you a number of questions in relation to each unit you have applied to do under RPL. These questions will test your level of knowledge of the tasks undertaken in your selected area of expertise.
Practical: The assessor will request you complete a number of job-related tasks such as setup for building, preparing materials, building, timber work, book work, finances, using a laser level or communication on site. The assessor will take a number of photos of you in action at this point and place them in your file or portfolio.
Documents: You are required to provide documentation on for each unit to prove you understand selected tasks and have the skills to complete these tasks. You may provide a set of plans, frame layout, truss layout, installation guides on baths, a waste management policy or a JSA for sites and jobs that you have completed or worked on. These documents must relate to work you have undertaken throughout your career and be able to be verified by employers.
Third party referees: You must provide at least three referee statements to support your skills and knowledge. The referee must hold the same qualification you are seeking or higher, must have worked with you for more than six months and they have directly observed your work.
Other evidence: Provide any other evidence that you think may help you through this process. Photos of you carrying out a number of tasks related to the unit, previous qualifications, a current CV and letters from previous employers or clients are also helpful.
Closing gaps: If your assessor identifies a gap in your knowledge and skills this is managed through your participation in the weekly class session. The new required knowledge and skills will be taught and assessed to the required standard in class and then on site. This new skill can then be included in your documentation.
For additional information and full details head to www.needalicence.com or contact 1300366667