Title | SCANIA R580 |
Type | Trucks |
Sub Type | Trucks |
Class | Prime Mover |
Make | SCANIA |
Model | R580 |
Sale Price | $58,000 |
Listing Type | Used |
Stock Number | S347 |
RefCode | TA1241747 |
Category | Semi Cabover |
Licence Category | Heavy Rigid |
Power - hp | 580 |
Drive | 6x4 |
Kms | 1250000 |
GVM - kg | 26500 |
GCM - kg | 90000 |
Scania R580 2008' High Line, twin bunks, 3-pedal auto, on airbag suspension. Scania is 90ton B-Double Rated with hydraulics. Truck has been through our workshop at ZED Wrecking & just had gearbox rebuilt with new clutch, rear main seal, bearing roll, manifold gaskets, top end adjustment, shackle pins & all new brake pads + rotors. Drives & pulls very well. Truck is sold with Victorian Road Worthy.
Price $58,000 ONO.
Price $58,000 ONO.