Ol’ mate in the pic is competing in the Red Bull Soapbox Race in Bulgaria.
The idea is to take the great Aussie billycart, jazz it up to make look interesting, then barrel it down a steep Bulgarian main road with man-made jumps and so forth and see if anyone survives.
Carts at the Bulgarian event came in the shape of coffins, missiles, bananary-looking things and one in particular looked like a very large lady in a bikini holding a can of energy drink.
Can you guess which energy drink it was?
Carts must be able to steer and brake, and while the shortest time taken to get to the bottom of the hill forms part of the score, contestants are also awarded points for artistic achievement.
Anyhoo, the bloke in the pic came up with a Roman chariot theme, complete with smiling sheep as tow animals, and while he stood in the back waving around his sword, a driver crouched down in front and drove the cart. That meant two gladiators. Did that make them gladioli? And did they find the sheep roamin’ around?
Any cart that could go downhill faster than our jokes would’ve been a dead-set favourite for a trophy, eh?